Early Parenting Groups
About Early Parenting Groups
CaFHS offer Early Parenting Groups for parents/carers of babies from four weeks to four months of age. It’s a great way to meet other families, share ideas and find out about other support available.
What to bring
- Nappy bag and items for baby as needed
- Small blanket for floor play
- Any feeding requirements (breastfeeding is welcome)
- Water bottle
Please call 1300 733 606 as soon as possible, if you are unable to attend any Early Parenting Group sessions
Virtual Early Parenting Groups
We also offer virtual early parenting groups run by a CaFHS nurse, where you can connect with other parents online.
To book into a face-to-face or virtual group call CaFHS on 1300 733 606.
Early Parenting Group topics
Below are a range of excellent resources on the topics discussed within the Early Parenting Groups:
Where to from here
Parents/caregivers may develop bonds and relationships during their Early Parenting Groups. You may like to continue to meet after you have finished your Early Parenting Groups at a park, playgroup, library or community centre.
If you would like your details to be shared with other members of your Early Parenting Group, please let your nurse facilitator know so that this opportunity can be discussed at one of your group sessions.
Below are websites that offer more information on child health, development and wellbeing, and opportunities for meeting with other families with young children.